City of Wauwatosa Time
Trick-or-Treat, named by the City of Wauwatosa, is Sunday, October 28, 1 - 4pm. We find that the popularity of that time is highly dependent on your neighborhood.
Neighborhood Associations Host Halloween
Some neighborhood associations prefer to host their own Trick or Treat at night, and perhaps even on Halloween. Your neighborhood association might email or mail you details of when they are hosting trick or treat. Ask your neighborhood association for details.
Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat lets children trick or treat in a safe, fun environment while collecting food for a good cause. Come join the Tosa Rec Department at the third annual Trunk or Treat event from 10 am to noon on Saturday, October 20 at the Fischer Building parking lot, 12121 W. North Avenue.
Decorate the back of your car's trunk with any family-appropriate theme, wear costumes and bring Halloween candy to pass out to those who come to see your decked-out trunk. Or just bring your children to trick or treat at all the car trunks. There will be food trucks and activities for children. All participants are asked to bring a nonperishable food item as a donation for the Tosa Cares Food Pantry. To register as a trunk decorator, register online at using activity number 154300-00 no later than October 12.